Lady Gaga is not weird or unusual or different at all. Look, she’s not, alright? Stephani Germaotta is not weird, and she’s wasting her talent. You want to see weird? THIS is Weird. Go on, watch these videos, I’ll wait:
Yeah. I know. That was insane. Anyway, moving on, the problem I have with her is that she claims to be this bold original artist… when she’s not.
Not at all.
She pushes no envelopes: An envelope would move more if you put it in front of a toothpick that was being moved by a glacier. As seen above, much, much weirder artists exist in the world.
She wasn’t even very weird to begin with. It’s a label-created image. Take a look at this:
Yeah, that’s actually Gaga. And you know what? I prefer this. Sure it’s basically Norah Jones Lite, but its better than what she does now. I mean, when Akon finds you, is impressed, and then offers you success at the cost of changing everything about your previous style, and you take it, that is NOT unleshing your true originality, that is SELLING OUT. Then there’s the David Bowie blasphemy she commits, by claiming that she’s so influenced by him, and really loves his music, Wheeeeennnnn that “Influence” is never shown, and the closest we get is a weak attempt at an Aladdin Sane style Lighting bolt.
Now, I’m going to do the same thing I said with Talyor Swift in that I DON’T think she’s untalented. I was very impressed by that video, and the fact that she got into NYU and a pretty prestigious music academy speaks volumes, but If you’re going to do Dance music, Gaga, do dance music like THIS.
Next: The most controversial article yet!
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