Haters Gonna Hate: Taylor Swift
Attention, general population: you have disappointed me. Again. It’s been 10 goddamn days since Arcade Fire won Album of the Year, and they’ve sold 41,000 some copies of The Suburbs since then. Justin Bieber has sold 161,00 copies. WHAT. THE. HELL. I, I can’t put this fury into words. I need a picture of a kitten or a bad metal artist ranting about 9/11 being a conspiracy to calm me down (goes to look these things up). Ok, better. Seriously, why Arcade Fire is awesome will be covered later, when I learn how to embed videos. Then the Fun will begin.
So, Taylor Swift. I’m not going to provide any pictures (Can’t do that yet either) and we all know what she looks like (a cat). So, let’s talk why I don’t like her all that much.
Keep in mind, I don’t HATE Taylor Swift. I think she has genuine talent, and a level head on her shoulders. It’s just… well… she’s immature. I don’t mean it in the bratty child way, I’m talking about her being immature in the mental way. She mis-interpets Romeo & Juliet and The Scarlet Letter, talks about how she’s sad about how her friends are sad (HER REAL FRIENDS.WHO SHE DOES NOT CHANGE THE NAME OF), and just generally comes across as someone who generally seems under-cultured. For Christ’s sake people, her first song was about how awesome she thought Tim McGraw was. TIM. MC. GRAW.
Now, here’s what she’s capable of.
Yes, rock fans. She can be Morrisey. As is in Morrrisey of The Smiths, one of the greatest lyric writers of all time. Neither of them Stuart Murdoch (The badass front man of Belle & Sebastian, who is better), but the fact they both don’t hide their emotions brings out their best work. The only problem: Talyor Swift has only one song: the “Ditch her for me” song. Talyor, you are old enough to have graduated from college by now, you can do better than this. MUCH BETTER. I mean, it’s not that hard. Read some more books than what you’re “Supposed to”, watch some foreign films, go see Arcade Fire when they come to Texas. Just… Broaden your horizons. OK?
Oh, and yes, I am aware that all who wrong you get a scathing song written about him. I’d like mine to be called “Henry, Dressed in Cobras”.
Up next on Haters Gonna Hate: Lady Gaga, and how she is not weird at all.
And in case you were wondering, THIS is Arcade Fire. Watch it.
Cool post! I found it very... entertaining :)